As we commemorate World Food Day on October 16th, a day established by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in 1979 to raise awareness about hunger and promote action for sustainable food systems, it’s crucial to reflect on the right to food. At KRC-Uganda, we have commemorated this day for decades through various events, discussions, and initiatives focused on food and nutrition security and their interlinking with human rights. Given my background in both human rights and food systems, I firmly believe that the right to food must be elevated to the status of an absolute right. THE QUESTION THEN BECOMES: WHAT EXACTLY ARE ABSOLUTE RIGHTS? An absolute right is […]
The Kabarole Research and Resource Centre-Uganda (KRC-Uganda), with funding from Healthy Food Africa and Hivos, in collaboration with the Food Rights Alliance (FRA), organized a two-day consultative workshop focused on food security and nutrition prioritization within Uganda’s National Development Plan (NDP) IV. This workshop took place in Fort Portal Tourism City on September 19th and 20th and attracted technical leaders and representatives from civil society organizations (CSOs) across Fort Portal City, Kabarole, Kyenjojo, Bunyangabu, and the refugee-hosting districts of Kamwenge and Kyegegwa. The objectives of the consultative workshop included: 1. Assess the implementation of nutrition interventions through district development plans aligned with NDP III. 2. Establish local contexts for nutrition […]
As we near the end of 2024, we share with you some incredible work that KRC-Uganda hasdone this month to address malnutrition, protect vulnerable populations, and empowercommunitiesIn Bidibidi Refugee Settlement, KRC-Uganda is working to tackle malnutrition and landchallenges, which are especially tough on women and girls. They’re also addressing earlymarriages and resource scarcity through programs like mechanized farming and second-chance education for teenage mothers.Over in Rhino Settlement, KRC-Uganda is focused on child protection through the STEPsproject. They’re identifying and supporting vulnerable children, including those inchild-headed households.It’s inspiring to see community-based structures like child protection committees andgender-based violence activists stepping up to safeguard children and women. Thesegrassroots e orts are making […]
In 2022, the Toro Sub-Region was identified as having a particularly high burden of malnutrition and child stunting (UDHS, 2022). Anthropometric measurements collected for children under the age of five revealed an alarming stunting rate of 38%, well above the national average of 26%. While Uganda’s stunting rates have steadily declined since 2016, reaching 28.9% by 2020 (Global Nutrition Report, 2020), these figures remain unacceptably high. According to UNICEF, malnutrition poses a serious threat to an entire generation of Ugandan children. Sharon addressing debate participants on the rules of engagement Several interventions have been implemented to combat malnutrition in all its forms. These include nutrition-specific interventions, such as maternal micronutrient […]
In today’s fast-paced world, stress and anxiety have become common challenges for many. Amidst the chaos, mindfulness meditation has emerged as a powerful tool for promoting mental well-being and enhancing the quality of life Caregivers practicing mindfulness meditation during a training session Mindfulness meditation is a practice that involves focusing on the present moment without judgment. It encourages individuals to observe their thoughts, feelings, and sensations as they arise, fostering a greater awareness of the present. Unlike other forms of meditation that may focus on specific goals or outcomes, mindfulness is about being fully engaged in the here and now. Starting a mindfulness meditation practice is simple. Begin by setting […]
In an effort to improve nutrition and food safety outcomes, Fort Portal City and Kabarole District have integrated nutrition programming into primary schools. This initiative addresses a critical issue—four in every ten children in the Tooro region are stunted. Contributing factors include limited knowledge about nutrition, inadequate dietary diversity, and insufficient care for mothers and children. Moreover, food safety concerns need urgent attention. Pupils of Karambi primary school nutrition club pose for a photo with KRC-Uganda, IDP, JESE, RCA and political and technical leaders from Fort Portal City and Kabarole district during one of the school monitoring exercises Primary schools have become pivotal in promoting sustainable food systems by educating […]
Gender discrimination occurs when one sex is favoured over the other, leading to disadvantages for the opposite gender. In our society, we frequently encounter such discriminatory situations between women/girls and men/boys. Globally, it is estimated that 736 million women—nearly one in three—have experienced physical and/or sexual violence by an intimate partner or non-partner at least once in their lives, with 30% of women aged 15 and older affected (UN Women, 2023). In the same report, most violence against women is perpetrated by current and or former or intimate partners. More than 640 million or 26 % of women aged 15 years and older have been subjected to intimate partner violence. […]
Refugee settlements are often scenes of severe hardship, where basic necessities such as food, shelter, and healthcare are scarce. In these challenging environments, the needs of people with disabilities are frequently overlooked. Refugee populations often have higher rates of disability due to conflict, violence, and poor living conditions. Disabilities can range from physical impairments to sensory and cognitive, each requiring specific accommodations and considerations. People with disabilities are at a higher risk of malnutrition. Mobility impairments, for example, may limit their to access food distribution points. Sensory disabilities might make it difficult to communicate needs or navigate unfamiliar environments. Cognitive disabilities can complicate understanding of nutrition information and self-care practices. […]
This article is about the technicalities of starting the STEPS project in Rhino Refugee Settlement.
In Kyaka II settlement, teenage pregnancy rate is increasing during Maternal Child health and Nutrition (MCHN) clinic at Itambabiniga health Outpost and young mothers are facing severe stigma to attending health care services. This is adversely affecting their access to maternal nutrition and health care. The stigma will not only be isolated to these young mothers but also leads to malnutrition impacting both maternal and child health. Recognizing this issue in the identified teenage pregnant mothers, the nutritionist engaged a comprehensive Nutritional support and counselling aimed at reducing stigma and improving maternal Nutrition among teenage pregnant mothers. The session focused on counselling tailored to the needs of teenage mothers and […]
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