The nutrition Symposium was held from 1st to 7th August to commemorate the World Breast Feeding Month.
The following are the objectives of this strategyi. To ensure accessibility of quality briquettes for wider use at ease-of-reach pointii. To ensure affordability of quality briquettes by bringing down it priceiii. To create awareness and sensitize masses on feasibility of using quality briquettesiv. To support scaled up quality briquettes production as a panacea to bring down the pricev. Strengthening public private partnerships in quality briquettes production andmarketingvi. Integrate and mainstream cross-cutting issues in wider quality briquettes production (including women, children, persons with disability, reducing gender based violence, saving the environment from degradation as well as contributing to reduction of HIV/AIDS) … Click to access Full Report
This is a report of the Conflict Mapping for the Network for Peace: Preventing and ResolvingConflicts through Early Warning Mechanism in Africa Project being implemented in Kaseseand Ntoroko Districts located in the Rwenzori Sub Region of Western Uganda. The projectis jointly implemented by Community Development Resource Network (CDRN) and KabaroleResearch & Resource Centre (KRC Uganda) in Ntoroko and Kasese Districts respectively,with financial support from the UK aid in partnership with Minority Rights Group International(MRGI) …Click to access Full Report
This study sought to find out the societal norms, values and attitudes that promote or fight corruption in Rwenzori region. The study was commissioned by Kabarole Resource and Research Centre (KRC) with the funding from Democratic Governance Facility (DGF). The scope extended to include the eight districts (Kabarole, Kyenjojo, Bundibugyo, Ntoroko, Kamwenge, Kyegegwa, Bunyangabu, and Kasese) … Click to access The Full Report
Kabarole Research Center (KRC), with funding from Democratic Governance Facility (DGF), is implementing a three year Civic Education Project in the Rwenzori region under the title “Enhancing People Power for Transformative Leadership in the 8 Districts of the Rwenzori region”. The project aims at achieving a civically competent citizenry with ability to demand for a more responsive and accountable state; to increase citizens’ knowledge on civil and political rights and to increase government capacity to respond to citizens demands. To achieve these aims, KRC conducted researches on pressing governance issues in order to generate evidence that can be used by citizens and leaders to make appropriate choicesand decisions in planning, […]
This study examines the centrality of land in the conflict situation in the Rwenzori region of western Uganda. By exploring the factors underlying the incidences of land conflicts, the study derives vital implications of these conflicts to the region’s peace and security situation. The findings indicate that land remains at the centre of the prevailing conflict narrative in the Region. Notwithstanding the narratives that may mask land, such as references to ethno-political and sociolinguistic pluralities and antagonisms, land is the fulcrum around which these struggles revolve. Narratives like ethnic tensions have been researched and told time and again, thus masking the fundamental problem: land governance. Land conflicts tend to draw […]
The profiling study was conducted to document the status of marketing cooperatives andassociations in Rwenzori region with an objective to improve understanding of their scope andscale, the range of services they receive and offer with the associated terms and conditionsand in turn, determine how best to support them while improving the synergy of BD partnersand the food cluster members of the Rwenzori regional Development Framework …Click to access Full Report
This report provides an analysis of the street food system in Fort Portal town . The study drawsattention to the consumption dynamics of the urban poor to bring new insights into the currentglobal food debate framed on population forecasts and the related production narrative.Through a consumer survey, interviews and focus group discussions with the urban foodvendors and the different consumer segments. The evidence suggests that food security andnutrition, particularly for the urban poor is not just about addressing food production … …Click to read The Full Report
The Rwenzori region consisting of 7 districts (Kabarole, Kyenjojo, Kamwenge, Kasese, Kyegegwa,Ntoroko and Bundibugyo) of Western Uganda has for decades been characterized by conflicts associatedwith cultural and ethnic differences that exist among the people of the region. The conflicts betweencultural groups have always raised questions about governance; leadership and fairness in the sharingand use of natural resources e.g. land. Although the recent conflicts could have some connection withhistorical incidents in the region, they possess a distinguishable character of their own. The currentconflicts between ethnic groups have been triggered by the recent reintroduction and recognition ofcultural leadership. This recognition and facilitation by the government of Uganda resulted into there awakening of […]
The Project – supported by UNEP – was implemented in the upper Nile Basin, in Uganda. The Mpangacatchment where activities were rolled out is part of the Lake George Basin / The Lake Albert WaterManagement Zone and is located in the west of the country. This Mpanga catchment has an estimatedsurface of approx.4700 km2, and is characterized by a diversity of landscapes and high ecologicalsignificance. The area stretches over the territory of these 3 Districts. … Click to access Full Report