The Rwenzori region has in the past couple of years been on the local, national and international spotlight as a region already affected by climate change. Various studies in the Rwenzori region have indicated that agricultural products will be affected negatively by climate change. There is a plethora of reports and manuals about climate change adaptation and mitigation in climate change prone areas. Knowledge about climate change is an important factor in climate change mitigation and adaptation. This investigation aimed to investigate small holder farmer’s knowledge and their adaptation strategies in the Rwenzori region. …Click to access Full Report
The East African highland banana (Musa spp. AAA-EA) is a primary food and cash crop in Uganda. Despiteits importance, yields on farmer’s fields remain poor in the region compared to that on research stations.Quantitative information on the status of soil fertility in banana land use, banana management practicesand their adoption and the sources of social capital in Rwenzori region have been scanty. Therefore,what follows below is a summary of research results, from a research that was carried out in traditionalbanana growing districts of Rwenzori region. The study was carried out by the Rwenzori regional ThinkTank, to find out the reasons for the declining productivity of bananas and suggest banana managementtechnologies […]