In 2022, the Toro Sub-Region was identified as having a particularly high burden of malnutrition and child stunting (UDHS, 2022). Anthropometric measurements collected for children under the age of five revealed an alarming stunting rate of 38%, well above the national average of 26%. While Uganda’s stunting rates have steadily declined since 2016, reaching 28.9% by 2020 (Global Nutrition Report, 2020), these figures remain unacceptably high. According to UNICEF, malnutrition poses a serious threat to an entire generation of Ugandan children.

Sharon addressing debate participants on the rules of engagement
Several interventions have been implemented to combat malnutrition in all its forms. These include nutrition-specific interventions, such as maternal micronutrient supplementation, disease prevention, support for exclusive breastfeeding, and complementary feeding. In addition, nutrition-sensitive approaches have been employed, such as improving access to nutritious food through agriculture, supporting small farms as a source of income, and improving access to clean water and sanitation to reduce infections and disease (Rojina, 2022).

Recently, debates have emerged as a powerful tool for promoting nutrition and health education. Debates encourage students to examine their beliefs, develop non-technical skills, and serve as a valuable pedagogical approach in healthcare education. By engaging in debates, students are encouraged to take a deep approach to learning and develop essential skills such as critical thinking, communication, teamwork, and oral presentation.
Unlike traditional lecture-based methods, debates require students to actively participate in the learning process. They promote a structured approach to exploring topics and foster a sense of responsibility for one’s education. Additionally, debates emphasize effective teamwork and collaboration, as participants work toward a shared goal of preparing for and participating in discussions.

With funding from the IDP, KRC-Uganda organized primary and secondary school debates under the theme “Balancing Health with Sustainability: Navigating the Future of Food Production and Consumption. The debates took place from August 23-25, 2024, at Nyakasura School. Through these debates, we aim to spread awareness about food security and the fight against malnutrition.

We believe that children play a significant role in food choices within their households. By teaching them healthy eating habits at a young age, we ensure that they use this knowledge throughout their lives and pass it on to future generations. Food habits and choices are developed early in life and can be sustained into adulthood, making it crucial to address malnutrition in childhood. Early intervention is far more effective in preventing malnutrition’s long-term effects than attempting to address these issues in adulthood.
Through debates and other initiatives, we are confident that we can help break the vicious cycle of malnutrition. By empowering children with knowledge about healthy food choices, physical activity, and other relevant interventions, we equip them to make informed decisions that will improve their health and well-being.
By fostering awareness through debates, we hope to create a generation that is well-informed and capable of making healthier food choices, thereby addressing malnutrition in Uganda at its root.
By Sharon Atuhaire
Nutrition Officer-Kyaka II Refugee Settlement